Saturday, April 3, 2010

Times Square Cafe - The Gyro

First Review!

Today I visited the Times Square Cafe in Oak Brook, IL. It just opened recently, replacing the horrible D's Diggety Dogs. They labeled themselves as casual American and Mediterranean. The menu had a lot to choose from. Burgers, hot dogs, gyros, Italian beef, salads, and even ribs. I went with the Gyro. The gyro was very good. Tomato's were fresh. Sauce was great. Pita bread was perfect. The only problem I had with it was the size. The gyro was $6, which is about average for a gyro. At most places the meat is piled up so high you have to eat some of the meat with a fork before you can eat it like a sandwich. I was able to fold this gyro immediately. The taste made up for the size, but was left a little hungry. The overall service was good. Nothing to complain about.

Menu Master Ratings
Item Reviewed - Times Square Cafe Gyro
Taste - 8.9 (Not much to complain about here)
Value - 6.2 (Could have added a lot more meat)
Total - 7.6


  1. Thanks Menu Master. Looking forward to more tasty treats.

  2. I am displeased to hear of this gyro. I too have become used to getting what seems like a serving and a half of meat per gyro. If you can just pick it up and eat it then there is a serious shortage going on.
