Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Taco Bell - Bacon Ranch Chicken Tortada

New Taco Bell Item!

I tried taco bells newest creation, the Bacon Ranch Chicken Tortada. Its Taco Bell attempt at a torta. Its a large tortilla filled with chicken, bacon, lettuce, tomato, and ranch sauce. Its then folded into a rectangle and grilled. Its then cut into triangles. I took a few bites, it was OK, not much flavor, and it defiantly could use some cheese. I am a cheese maniac. I put cheese on everything. Yes, everything. I go through a can of parmesan a week. So maybe its just me, but I think if you added some cheese, this item could be good. I bought the combo they were offering for $4.49, which included the tortada, a taco, and large drink. Not a bad value, but they were charging $3.29 for the tortada alone. For Taco Bell that seems a bit over priced. I would order the Bacon Ranch Chicken Tortada again, but I would prob ask them to throw some cheese on it. I don't know if this is a limited time only item, but its worth a try if you want something new.

Menu Master Ratings
Item reviewed - Taco Bell Bacon Ranch Chicken Tortada
Taste - 4.8 (not much flavor, would have been better with cheese)
Value - 7.4 (if you get the combo, its a nice filling lunch for under $5)
Total - 6.1


  1. The ranch sauce is actually avocado ranch sauce that is on the chicken burrito.

  2. I have not tried anything new at Taco Bell in quite awhile. The Menu Master inspired me to give this new Tortada a try. I ordered the Salsa Roja Chicken Tortada for comparison reasons. I will admit I was surprised. The Tortada from Taco Bell is something that I will never crave, but I would try it again. It was by far the freshest tasting thing I have ever had at the Bell. The salsa had actual large chunks of recognizable veggies. Even a hint of fresh tasting cilantro could be found in some bites. It was spicy but not hot or overpowering. The mess factor was pretty huge however. Considering the size of the knife used to cut my Tortada you would think it would have been cleanly cut in two. Had I chosen to try to eat this on the move like shown in the commercial I would have been wearing it before the first bite. All in all a decent offering, something I would try again, but won't be sad if that never happens.
